Saturday, 29 October 2011

Become an Airline pilot to get cheap car insurance

In a recent article in the Guardian they have outlined what job titles are the best, and worst for car insurance costs. 

It would appear that people who are airline pilots, get dirt cheap car insurance. Presumably because they are seen as the type of people who will not make a mistake! Is this true though? If you were an airline pilot stuck on a 10 hour flight, wouldn't you want to get out upon landing and go hairing up the runway in an Aston martin, kicking the back out in clouds of tyre smoke!? I would! Surely there would be then a risk of a crash, particularly at one of the busiest of airports.  A crash between a 747 and an Aston is not going to be cheap!

The most expensive people car insurance title goes to people who are DJ's.  Presumably because they might be drunk, deaf and travel at night the majority of the time.  They can be fleeced out of as much as £,6000 per year in insurance. Seems a bit excessive doesn't it!?

This opens up the question - do people lie about their job titles on their car insurance? Are these things actually checked, as to whether people are lying or not? They certainly should be.  Ive also wondered what people put as their job title if for instance they fight lions, or do metal detecting for a living. There has to be some kind of "other" section so people can enter such titles as "electric donkey worker" or "bat hair specialist" ?

So in summary - learn to fly a plane, and you will not only get the best office view in the word, and get paid big money, but you will also be paying pennies on insurance!  This is another top tip from me!

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Views and burgers cause accidents

On a trip along Portsdown hill today that has views across Portsmouth, and the Isle of White I saw several near crashes happen in front of my eyes.

The car in front was doing 35mph in a 40mph limit, and weaving about all over the road. On 2 occasions the car weaved over the centre line, and had to swerve back again to avoid a head on crash.  It was obvious that the driver was too busy looking at the view from the hill, and not concentrating on the road. Either that or they were getting a foot massage, but I'm fairly sure that kind of service is not available in Portsmouth. Not during daylight anyway!  When it was safe to do so i overtook the car, not wanting to be involved in a pile up behind them. I got flashed at because they considered me dangerous. No cars were coming, i was still doing around the speed limit - not dangerous! They obviously thought they were the best driver in the world and didn't notice their dangerous weaving about.

A few miles down the road and there was another car sightseeing. This time doing 20mph in a 40mph limit. The car immediately behind had obviously had enough, and overtook on a double solid white line. An illegal move, and there was a car coming the other way! If this had resulted in a crash, there is no doubt that the overtaking car would be to blame, when in fact the slow, sightseeing car would have been the cause. Pure sacrilege.

Another 500 yds down the road there is a well known 24hr Mobile burger van, which as it turns out is not mobile. Its there all the time, and is renown as the best burgers on the south coast. It is of course Micks. The car that was about 3 cars in front of me had obviously decided they fancied getting larded up on a face full of burger, and braked suddenly to turn in to the ample parking area. The cars behind had to brake suddenly to ensure there wasn't a crash. Could have been an expensive burger if this had gone wrong!

The moral of this story is.  If you want to gawp at the views on a road then pull over, don't risk getting in a crash due to lack of concentration, and if you want to fill your face, then don't take risks. Micks is great, but you don't want to be lying in hospital eating a cold sausage, now do you!

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

What is that smell?

Driving along the other morning i was suddenly hit square in the face by a big smell. It appeared to be an egg like smell.  For one moment i wondered if the burger van about 100yds down the road had exploded, and expected to see burgers shooting up into the air, as well as chips,eggs, and sausages. I was a feeling a little hungry, so this would have been a win,win situation.

Half a mile down the road, it soon became apparent as to the cause of the foul odour.  A lorry carrying eggs was on fire.  How a lorry comes to actually be on fire is a very interesting question, had the eggs in the back been rubbing together so furiously that they had "made fire" ? How else would it happen?  I was so tempted to ask the driver whether the eggs were going to turn out poached or fried.

Luckily the fire brigade arrived just then so all was well. Apart from the hundreds of thousands of wasted eggs, obviously!

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Cut up, but not shut up. X Factor driver vote off system.

On a 12 mile journey yesterday i got cut up TWICE. Both of which i had to swerve violently in order to not hit them, and both times the reason for the people cutting me up was not clear at all. They just suddenly decided they liked the look of the lane that i was in better! Perhaps i made it look sexy and irresistible and they wanted a piece of the action!  I doubt it to be honest, but I cannot think of any other reason.

This made me think of a system in how people could vote bad drivers off the road.  Let's inject some X Factor style technology into the road system.  A website should be created called "Driver vote off" - if someone cuts you up badly, you go on the website and place a vote against the driver / car reg.  If this car / driver receives 5 votes in one year, the DVLA visit them and tell them that they have to pass a full UK driving test, otherwise their license is taken away for a year. The person has to pay for the test, with that money going to improve roads, and lower road tax for everyone else.  This would mean that the roads are safer, and therefore less accidents, less jams, and cheaper insurance!  What is there not to like about this idea?  Have i just hit on the best idea since making fire?

Please let me know your thoughts and whether this is a good idea by making a comment!