Sunday, 23 October 2011

Views and burgers cause accidents

On a trip along Portsdown hill today that has views across Portsmouth, and the Isle of White I saw several near crashes happen in front of my eyes.

The car in front was doing 35mph in a 40mph limit, and weaving about all over the road. On 2 occasions the car weaved over the centre line, and had to swerve back again to avoid a head on crash.  It was obvious that the driver was too busy looking at the view from the hill, and not concentrating on the road. Either that or they were getting a foot massage, but I'm fairly sure that kind of service is not available in Portsmouth. Not during daylight anyway!  When it was safe to do so i overtook the car, not wanting to be involved in a pile up behind them. I got flashed at because they considered me dangerous. No cars were coming, i was still doing around the speed limit - not dangerous! They obviously thought they were the best driver in the world and didn't notice their dangerous weaving about.

A few miles down the road and there was another car sightseeing. This time doing 20mph in a 40mph limit. The car immediately behind had obviously had enough, and overtook on a double solid white line. An illegal move, and there was a car coming the other way! If this had resulted in a crash, there is no doubt that the overtaking car would be to blame, when in fact the slow, sightseeing car would have been the cause. Pure sacrilege.

Another 500 yds down the road there is a well known 24hr Mobile burger van, which as it turns out is not mobile. Its there all the time, and is renown as the best burgers on the south coast. It is of course Micks. The car that was about 3 cars in front of me had obviously decided they fancied getting larded up on a face full of burger, and braked suddenly to turn in to the ample parking area. The cars behind had to brake suddenly to ensure there wasn't a crash. Could have been an expensive burger if this had gone wrong!

The moral of this story is.  If you want to gawp at the views on a road then pull over, don't risk getting in a crash due to lack of concentration, and if you want to fill your face, then don't take risks. Micks is great, but you don't want to be lying in hospital eating a cold sausage, now do you!

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