Friday, 30 September 2011

Raising the Motorway limit to 80mph

The government has announced today that they will be looking at reviewing the current speed limit on the UK Motorways of 70mph, and will consider raising it to 80mph.

Their reasons for doing so are due to improved car safety the risk to life at 80mph if a crash happens is now reduced. Also that millions will be saved every year because people get to where they want to go quicker.

Firstly, WELL DONE for thinking about this, and not before time!  However, its not going to make any difference.  People will still drive at 90 - 100mph, there will be no difference to journey times, all that will happen is that the number of people getting stopped for speeding on a motorway will be reduced, meaning the police forces in the UK will have to think of another way to catch people and make money, otherwise the government will need to either cut their budgets, or raise our taxes in some other way.  It will come back to bite us in the end!

The government has also said that its only able to think about this now because its got hot on uninsured and drunk drivers.  Yes, I am sure they have - They can now take their £50 cars off them -  but that's not to say they do not exist anymore. There is always going to be some monkey who will decide car insurance is too expensive, or they've just had a few pints and they've only got to drive a few miles.  If they got hot on people who cant drive, and should be off the roads - then they could open up the motorways to an "any speed you want to" policy!  Think about how much money that would save!  Winchester to Portsmouth in 10 minutes in a Lamborghini! Yes please !

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