Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Texting whilst Driving!

On my way to work this morning I noticed a girl behind me in a silver Corsa who appears to have her eyes shut.  I thought that perhaps she had managed to get hold of the only Corsa that can drive itself, whilst the owner catches up on some sleep.  These are seriously the thoughts that go through my mind!

That appeared not to be the case though. She was in fact obviously looking down at something. Now either there was something very interesting going on by her feet such as a fight between some flies, or a weird shaped pebble or she was texting on her mobile phone.  the likely one being the latter here, as she was looking up from her phone about one every 10 seconds to check she hadn't crashed into something whilst texting someone, or sending naked pictures to people.

This made me worried. Not because of the naked pictures, but because of the fact she was likely to smash into the back of my car. The traffic was slow and i needed to brake a fair bit, and as i did so i could see she was getting close to my car, and then braking once she'd realised what was happening.  Luckily after about 10 mins i turned off but this is a disaster waiting to happen. She could very easily lose concentration and plough into the back of a car, or run a pedestrian over.  It is times likes this i wish i had a set of blue lights and a police siren to properly scare the crap out of people who are pure driving idiots.

Don't text whilst driving. It is likely to end in death and / or injury and likely to land you in prison also.

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