Driving through a town this morning, a cyclist in some shorts that were obviously two sizes too small, and meant for a child was ahead of me. I slowed down, as he was wobbling all over the road. Just about to overtake him, and he glances behind him for about half a second. then without hesitation pulls right in front of me to turn right. Had i not slowed down, i would have run him over and probably killed him - and no doubt it would have been all my fault!
There are, i'm sure - lots of responsible people who cycle, and wear the right size clothing, who are much more road aware. However, with the cost of petrol, more and more idiots are taking to the road on their two wheels thinking they are invincible, and not thinking! You only have to go to London to see what hell the cyclists bring to the roads. There are also countless videos on YouTube from cyclists who wear cameras on their helmets, showing that they've apparently been almost killed because a car has overtaken them within the 50 foot radius they think they have rights to. There is one who actually pulls up to a van, and kicks in the door because apparently it got too close when it overtook.. It did, but that was because the cyclist pulled into the middle of the road for no reason!
I have no problem in cyclists being on the road - but please have some respect for the other things on the road that can crush your bones in an instant. If you cant do that, get the bus or walk!